This and more now being shared on Instagram on my @hashtagdafyomi account! Looks like the kohanim took their cues from the minhag here in Chicago… #dafyomi
“I Love You Enormously”
When Rabbi Shapira paid a visit to the Chafetz Chaim in Radin, the Chafetz Chaim crowned him with the title of “the inventor of Daf Yomi.” The Chafetz Chaim said to him, “I love you enormously. Do you know why?” “Probably because of Daf Yomi,” Rabbi Shapira responded. #dafyomi Rabbi Meir Shapiro, The Rav of […]
Milk and Meat!!! (Or… don’t do that.)
We’re getting to the really good stuff! And I’m so grateful that I can mix milk with grasshopper meat…
Hadran Alach Gid Hanasheh
This was a long chapter, and I’m not sorry to take a break from the sciatic nerve. However, as with anything else in the Talmud, I’m sure it will come back again… #dafyomi
Spelling Counts!
I was surprised to see this word that sounds like a very familiar word, but it’s spelled differently and has a TOTALLY different meaning. Don’t confuse חנקה and חנוכה! What a relief to see that spelling counts in the Talmud, too… #dafyomi
Blast From The Past
My Facebook post on February 14, 2012, proving that #dafyomi was on my mind for a long, long time before I started learning: For people who study Jewish texts: The next daf yomi cycle begins in August. When the current cycle started in 2005, the ShasPod (an iPod that contained every single day’s shiur) was […]
Tu BiShvat
Fantastic fringe benefit of #dafyomi: the ability to search our text for more about our traditions. As for this text from Rosh Hashanah 2a, well, I’ll see it late in 2021. Thanks, Sefaria!
Leadership Woes
So, you know, nobody wants to be in a leadership position, but once achieved, nobody wants to leave. Sounds eerily familiar. #dafyomi #penultimatepageofmenachot #bringonchullin